north shore

north shore: an exhibition of ceramics, collage, painting and photography

Featuring art work by Diane Chen, Kathy Coakley, Christian Gotfredson, Karin Rosenthal, Julia von Metzsch. Curated by Christina Godfrey

May 18th – September 7th

Reception: Wednesday, June 20, 2012. 5:30-7:30pm

McGladrey Art Gallery, McGladrey, 80 City Square, Charlestown, MA.

R.S.V.P. requested by June 15th,

Inspired by the vibrant arts community of Gloucester and Rockport, Christina Godfrey has compiled a diverse group of artists to feature in North Shore including Diane Chen, ceramics; Kathy Coakley, painting; Christian Gotfredson, mixed media on paper; Karin Rosenthal, photography; and Julia von Metzsch, painting. The exhibiting artists are actively involved with the Cape Ann Art Museum, Sea Arts, North Shore Art Association, and regional galleries. The McGladrey Art Gallery is open during regular business hours or by appointment. Please contact Christina Godfrey with inquires.

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